Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Rare Photos of Utah Prairie Dogs
I was able to capture the prairie dogs as they popped their little heads up in search of one another.

Okay I guess you can tell we were at the zoo.
With Paige it is all about the pose it is not an advertisemnet for Barbie or licorice
The brave girl faced the ferocious lion with a blood curdling snarl. The lion spit in fear.

Last Game
We went to watch Alex's game Saturday they felt his neck had healed enough that he could play
since was his last one , it was only after he ran with the ball and it took a few of the opposing team members to take him down that his neck bothered him a little but he got right back into the game. The short little video clip is of that play.
This cute scrapbook page was made up by AJ's Aunt Janda she is letting me use it thanks Janda!

This cute scrapbook page was made up by AJ's Aunt Janda she is letting me use it thanks Janda!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch

This book was given to me by my son Jared at the Bountiful cemetery when we gathered as a family on the day which should have been my Dad's 80th birthday. I had received a few books from friends after the death of my Dad that I still have not read , I just can not bring myself to read them yet. But when I got this one, it was a small book which was a good sign so it would not take long to read it and I had also seen the story being talked about on TV which was heartbreaking. Randy talks about being a Tigger in this book a lot, and that being one can be a good thing , Jared has been our Tigger from the time he was 2-21/2 I knew he was different. Finally when he reached second grade after lots of frustrating times for him and the family he was diagnosed ADHD. The never sitting still the imagination and lots of laughter to me is what I find is in common with these two.What wonderful life lessons one can learn from reading this book before it is to late, Randy states that he is glad he was not hit by a bus and taken quickly for he would not have had the time to spend with his children and his wife building memories that would last . It makes you put things into perspective. I wish I would have highlighted the things I loved while reading this book maybe I will read it again. Thank you to my Tigger for giving me this book I hope everyone that reads it will benefit from it. This is a link to look at to learn about the Last Lecture. http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/LastLecture/
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sunrise in Grand Junction, Colorado

We picked the wrong weekend to visit my Aunt Florene and cousin Marilyn, I guess this area has turned into the next Napa Valley and it was filled with tourists that were there to participate in the wine country tasting festival. So the town was a bustlilng of activity. Most the time I drive and Janette is the navigator, we should have known we were in over our heads when we got lost in Price, Ut!! That set the tone for the rest of the trip. Who in the world names their streets 32 1/4, 32 1/2 and there should be a law limiting one way streets in one town, much to the horror of the faces of the fireman watching us (me) drive down one.
Any how this looks like a real artsy kind of town it had great sculptures on their main street where we stayed. The one I like the most was a tree made out of round shaped domes that would move with the breeze and would reflect little bursts of light has the morning sun would hit it. Lots of old buildings line this quaint little spot.
Old Homes
Many years ago I did a lot of cross-stitch therapy as I would call it, most everything I have stitched has been given away.I expressed earlier that I love old homes and it was for the love of old homes that I decided to try something. Dennis's parents live in a historic old home in Farmington. I thought it would be neat to cross-stitch their home but how would I get a pattern to do such a thing so I taught my self how to graph it out, then a woman I knew helped me pick out colors and showed me how I could blend 2-3 colors together to get the effects that I needed. This was before computer programs that are now available don't remember how many times I drew that house before I got it right. Then I had Dennis's three sisters help me stitch it so it could be from all of us. After that I did many of the families homes I started to graph for other people. One of the times I graphed one that was in upper state New York it was an amazing three story victorian in blue and white it is one house that I wished I had seen finished but never did.The other day going through my pictures I came across a home that I had graphed for a gal, I have done at least four others for her but this one I was really happy to see. It is an historic home in Farmington made out of the old adobe brick and rock. I talked the lady who stitched it into doing all the rocks individually so it has taken her a long time, but you can see her efforts were well worth it.
If you click on the picture you can see it has the Utah Historic Marker to the left of the window. This home has some meaning to my parents, they had driven up Farmington canyon which it s white knuckler of a drive and they had rolled the vehicle that I do believe belonged to mom's dad, this is the first house they could get to to get them some help. I wonder what Grandpa had to say about it?I guess I need to get all the houses I have done and get pictures of them so I can post them later on.
Monday, September 22, 2008
On The Other Side of this Mountain

On the other side of this mountain range lies a beautiful spot called Morgan. My mother has a strong family ties with this town both her parents were from this area, so I have lots of memories going over the mountain to visit. I loved this town so much that if I ever had a daughter she would be named Morgan, but the day she was born she just did not look like a Morgan so I chickened out. For some strange reason when I go there I have a sense of home I would love to live there maybe one day or be buried there buying a very small plot is about all I could afford to buy.
Friday when we went up to celebrate Aunt Joye's birthday I took some pictures and thought I would share them.

Many family members have hiked up to the "M" on Memorial Day it has been a tradition among some, so far I have not done it, I guess I should put that on my *bucket list* . The south Morgan cemetery lies beneath this M.

This is the house that my grandmother lived in. It is a beautiful home. As a child I always wanted to get up to the porch but we were never allowed up there, we were told it was not safe. I love old homes don't know if I would like to live in one but I do love to look and take pictures of them. My father -in-law lives in an old historic home and he claims that"The only thing that works in an old home is the owner!"

This home is just a few doors down from the blue one it was also in the Heiner family at one point in time do not now if it is now.
This is my Great-Great- grandfather's grave we noticed he has had a little emblem placed on it.I will guess it has something to do with his pioneer heritage. Maybe someone out there knows more about it than I.

As Susan and I were roaming about the cemetery I came across this marker do not know who it was but it is a beautiful marker, sad knowing that she had died when she was 17.

Thursday, September 18, 2008
My Great-Aunt Joye's Birthday!

My Great-Aunt Joye will be celebrating her 84th birthday with some of her family up in the beautiful town of Morgan this Friday. Joye is a sister to my Grandmother Ina Hattie, one of the other sisters was my Aunt Dott. These two ladies are the closest thing I have had in getting to know what my grandmother was like, she had died at an early age before I was born. Over the years I have loved to listen the stories they would tell about Grandma Ina. I would like to think she was a equal mix of them both.
As a child my Mom would go places with Joye, on one occasion she had taken my Mom up to Bear Lake, which resulted in a bad sunburn, no fault of Joye's but she took her home to Morgan and took care of her while she healed. But the fondest memories Mom has is Joye taking her to Como Springs. Como was the hot spot years ago you could swim, roller skate, there were even some rides and it was a good place to get a hamburger. Mom says Joye was the best roller skater around.
My Aunt Joye has a zest for life, she is computer savvy ,she loves jokes and she loves to play card games to keep herself active and she tells it like it is.
Hope you have a great birthday Aunt Joye!

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