Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day Arthur

Word: Father
Happy Fathers Day to my Father-in-Law, these are some words that I think describes that man that he is. He has always treated me well , love you Dad.

This is a picture of Dennis being held by his Father getting his first hair by Dennis's grandfather Clifford. As you can see by below the tradition carried on with my sons JD and Jared. Check out the wall paper in the background!

Dennis holding JD

Me entertaining Jared with JD and Dennis in background .


Sioux said...

WOW! Look how young Dennis looks in the one of him and JD! And to think that it's now 35 years later...

Hope all the Dad's had a great Father's Day.

Vickers said...

It's amusing how certain things become family traditions. So great that you have photos of the events cuz it proves that we were all young once.

"Jo" in many sizes said...

Happy "Fafers" Day to all the wonderful fathers out there, present and past. Love you.

FRYBABY said...

Love those photos!! I was the one (and still am!) who cut our boys hair. It got pretty scary sometimes when they wouldn't hold their little heads still!