When you start posting pictures of a bathroom! I needed to do a quick spruce up of the basement bathroom one weekend. Took down the ugly wall paper border, it was so ugly that it had even started to grow mold( not due to lack of my cleaning it) Took the natural finished pine vanity and painted it black and distressed it then went and got some of the barn wood I had been collecting and put it to good use other than hiding in the garage where no one could see it. Dennis and I framed out the mirror and made a new towel rack. Found a Roy Rogers and Dale Evans clock and hung it by one of the boys old pair of boots. Made a new shower curtain got a new rug and some tin accessoires wah lah a rustic latrine !For those who might not know who Roy and Dale are go to Happy Trails to you.

I don't think it's boring! I love it. Come fix my house.
Looks great!! it is always fun to decorate and then re-decorate. :)
You have to tell me how you got the vanity to look so good! Love it!
Only you could say, "I'm tired of that." And then go and create something entirely new and fabulous without even blinking. You amaze me. I will definitely visit your bathroom next time I am in town.
Love your bathroom, and I don't think your blog is boring at all! lol
Maybe you can help me come up with an idea for my kitchen, I want to do a collage of pictures but can't think of a theme. Want it to some how be a combination of Southern, vintage, kitchen or cooking.... Any ideas? lol
I need that kind of 'boredom' at my house too! In fact, the whole house (except for my front room and small bath...thanks to Jenna) needs a facelift! But I have no ability in that area! Or money for that matter! It looks GREAT!
I think it looks great! I just painted an old kitchen sink cupboard in my basement..it is huge and offers lots of storage .I kept it white but should have tried color...love yours!
I love the boots and the Roy Rogers Clock. We watch a lot of Roy Rogers in our house. I need to do something like that with the boots that we are retiring after all 3 boys wore them. What's left of them!
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