I am sure you all have been waiting to see the completion of the living room make over ,,,,,,well keep waiting cuz it still is not done! Does that surprise you?
Phase OnePhase TwoPhase Three
I have a new one of these on top my roof

it attaches to this in the garage

then it hooks into this!! Yes I have a fire place!!

And a wall of brick.

Am loving this paint color called Celery Root.

Hope to have some storage on each side of fire place there will be a beam going in where you can see the 2x4 on the ceiling , that big hunk of wood that is standing up is going to be the hearth if I can sand it down just enough to get rid of splinters but not to much to take away it's rugged character. That's all folks!
I watched your earlier post about the renovation, it sure does take a while. Are you camping out in the kitchen?
Lover the fire place and the brick wall. We have a fire place that heats our livingroom and I love the cozy warmth of it!
Hope your living room will be finished soon!
Yesterday I thought to myself, I wonder if they have that done yet and I can't wait to see pics, or it in person this weekend :).
Love the fireplace!
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