Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Number 41

Our Saturdays have been filled with football play offs.  We have one more game .  My grandson has really improved his game playing skills this year.  It has been such fun to see how much this team has grown over the years.
On a side note the house we have been remodeling is coming along we  actually have a painting  crew now this very instant.  We are still spending nights and weekends there everyday and  have a cabinet maker coming in tomorrow for final measurements.
  Install date has been set for the middle of November!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Pickles Quilt Show 2013

It is always fun to be invited back to this quilt show.
 This group of ladies do an amazing  job on their quilts. 
I am amazed  at how much they get done in a years time.