Paige has had a loose tooth now I bet for two months. I guess her motto is SLOW AND STEADY! While visiting last night we all were discussing the best way to pull a tooth. Paige was little apprehensive with all the many ways to pull a tooth. So I had this great idea and told her if she pulled it I would give her five bucks, that's all it took she wiggled and giggled but not much progress. So I suggested to lasso it with some dental floss and and try harder. Well she was exhausted by the time we left and the little tooth did not want to to come out.
One tooth and so many funny faces! Hope it will come out soon! sometimes they just won't let go!
Poor thing! Maybe she should bite into a hard apple.
It seems like it is always the teeth you want to keep which rot and fall out no matter how hard you work to keep them. The ones you want to lose just never seem to get the message. At least Paige will have some cool photos to use in her memory book when she tries to pull her own children's baby teeth out in a couple of decades.
What goes around comes around!
Stubborn ol' tooth. She is so cute. Hyrum had one of his top front get loose in November, and it didn't come out until February. It was a stubborn one as well.
I love this!! She still has it surprisingly hanging in her mouth.
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