This is the most amazing picture I think I have ever taken, the actual moment of birth. What a thrill it was to watch and be part of thanks Kari for letting us share the miracle!
Highlights from birthdays past
Nothing better than a sugar high!
I like to eat my watermelons from the outside in
The Fairy Princess stops in her tracks as the sinister stare of the ogre falls upon her
Who you calling a Fairy??
Frosting makeup its the new thing.
Paige having fun with Payton
Receiving First Pumpkin from Dad I love how she looks at him

These thoughts came about the day of Dad's funeral while the family gathered around his grave to visit. I noticed Paige had gone off by herself standing under a big tree, she acted like she was talking to someone. I figured she had become frightened because she could not see her Mom, Kyle had started to notice her odd behavior also, when I approached her she did not want anything to do with me and pushed me away, she wanted to be left alone so I did, I continued to watch her has she had a conversation.
(click on picture to enlarge)