Dr. Seuss quotes
I have no idea where this month has gone all I know is that it has gone way to fast! My sister Denice is coming in from Wisconsin and will be here tomorrow to spend the 4th of July hope to get out and have some fun with her.
Another log person created for my father-in-laws garden

Payton's Quilt is finished

Pumpkins planted with my grandson AJ's help! Sunflowers are getting big couple of rows of corn planted. AJ loved to run my Dad's tiller, he was really a big help for me, thanks Alex!

We made a fast trip to Preston, Idaho last night to pick up hay, Dennis and I in one truck Kyle and the girls in the other. It started out beautiful but a fast storm came in and turned the sky dark we made it home by sunset and the sky was outstanding, Sadie loved the sprinklers! Hope every one has a safe holiday and this month goes a little slower so it can be enjoyed.