Hard to believe last Saturday I mowed my lawn took Hadley and Wesley to the park to feed the ducks and play and today we are back to snow shovels with the weather men predicting flooding and to get your sand bags ready. Both the girls have new tricks Hadley has learned to cross and re-cross her eyes and Wesley loves to stretch her mouth out with her fingers. She has also had her first trip to the doctors for stitches after having a wrestling match with a rocking chair at day care and the chair won.

And.......... I got my Christmas tree down!! I recruited my granddaughter Payton to come over and help me clean and with strict orders that if I made a move to go get onto my computer she was to smack me and tell me "NO".
Hard to believe the weather was so nice last week and you are back to snow this weekend! Do you know if the tracks in the snow belong to a racoon? It must be hard to find food when it is still snowing.
Lovely pictures of the girls! Hope Wesleys forehead will heal nicely.
Love the cross-eyed picture!!!
I can never get over how beautiful ALL of your granddaughters are. Keep the pictures coming.
We also have a passel of raccoons here and I am always intrigued at how ingenius and sneaky they are.
You have 4 legged visitors too! Aren't they fun. We have been dealing with skunks as of lately, along with wolves and bears.
The girls are gorgeous as usual!
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