1. the act of restoring; renewal, revival, or reestablishment.
2. the state or fact of being restored.
3. a return of something to a former, original, normal, or unimpaired condition.
4. restitution of something taken away or lost.

I recently took a picture of me as an overly plump baby being held by my Grandpa Fry over to a camera shop to be restored. This is the second picture I have seen that they have restored. I am very impressed of what a good job they do.
Then Dennis asked me to re-work some old photos of his Great-Grandparents Austin and Ella Yergensen. Austin died in his 30's during the 1912 Flu epidemic leaving behind his young family and Ella. So when working with the pictures of this couple that had been taken at different times and ages. Dennis's Dad had always wanted them to look like they had been taken at the same time so I thought I would give them a try. The hardest thing was Ella for the one side of her head is is missing into the dark brown back ground so I faked her in some hair then I put them both onto the same background and tried to even them out the best way I knew .

we spent the 4th of July up at his little piece of heaven I have at least 900 pictures to go through and edited, there was parades, rodeo,fire works, four wheeling, collecting some drift wood and the the funniest part was being brave enough to do a zip line, after my 5 year old grand-daughter did it I had to be brave and try it for my self it was the closest thing to flying there is!